Let’s make something together.
I’m a proficient 3D generalist, so I can cover a lot of ground, and do much of the production on my own. However, I love people and would relish the opportunity to join forces to do bigger things.
“Are you a one-man army or a team player?” Yes.

Do you have an idea and want to collaborate?
Previs / Layout
In the latter part of my career, I was in charge of the previsualization of many movie sequences. Effective planning is the key to success in 3D.
3D Modeling
I can 3D model in a variety of software packages. Maya, Blender, Houdini, and Zbrush. Whatever fits the job.
3D Texturing
This is my favourite part of the 3D process. It’s where I try to tell a story of an object through the use of carefully crafted textures.
Look Development
Also known as surfacing. In layman terms, how to make materials in 3D. Arnold, Redshift, Unreal, Cycles, Mantra. I dabble in all of them.
Character Rigging
My first job in the commercial art world was character rigging. I still regularly do it to this day. Without a rig, there is no 3D animation.
3D Animation
For much of my career, I was a 3D animator. I’ve animated Spider-Man in all 3 of his MCU films.
3D Environments
An area of 3D that I’ve been focusing much on lately. Nothing comes close to world building like making some environments.
In a pinch, I can whip up some simple fx simulations inside of the most powerful 3D software, Houdini.
Lighting / Rendering
I almost exclusively light and render with real-time software now days. So there’s less sitting around waiting for pixels to show up.